vendredi 14 janvier 2011

Overview :

Two primary characteristics of parkour are efficiency and speed. Traceurs take the most direct path through an obstacle as rapidly as that route can be traversed safely. Developing one's level of spatial awareness is often used to aid development in these areas. Also, efficiency involves avoiding injuries, both short and long term. This idea embodying parkour's unofficial motto is être et durer (to be and to last).
Parkour's emphasis on efficiency distinguishes it from the similar practice of free running, which places more emphasis on freedom of movement and creativity.
Traceurs say that parkour also influences one's thought processes by enhancing self-confidence and critical-thinking skills that allow one to overcome everyday physical and mental obstacles.[2][3][4] A study by Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence( Neuropsychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence) in France reflects that traceurs seek more excitement and leadership situations than gymnastic practitioners.[5]

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